Monday, January 7, 2013

हाल-ए-दिल . . . ! ! !

तुझसे दूर जाने की कोशिश मे तेरे कितना करीब आ गया मै,
मुझे मुझमे ही तू दिखने लगी और सारा जहॅा पा गया मै ।

इस जहॅा मे अगर तेरी सूरत ना होती मेरे
तो पतझड़ के मौसम मे जैसे पत्तों सा मुरझा
गया मै ।

कहना है तुझे अभी भी लाकर दिल के नज़दीक
ऐ हसीन,
के तुझे पहली नज़र मे देखते ही हो गया था तुझपे
फिदा सा मै ।

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Together Forever.....

Whenever I miss you, I just close my eyes.....and there they are.....the memories of the most happiest times of my life.....

" the moments that we spent together,
  I   just   wished   they   last   forever.

  I   hoped   that   those   memories   will   never   fade,
  now that time has passed,my heart will always be without aid.

  whenever I miss you, I just close my eyes,
  and there you are, with your cutest smile.

  this scenario makes me so happy and alive,
  that  I  forbid  myself  to  open  my  eyes.
  those were the happiest memories which I'll gather,
  all I have to do is close my eyes and we are together.

  and if this is the only way for us to be together,
  I  would  just  love  to  close  my  eyes  forever. "